Young Kalel Santiago faced some serious challenges in his early childhood. At just 10 months, he experienced a rare kind of cancer called neuroblastoma. For two years he endured radiation and chemotherapy as well as multiple surgeries; eventually he rid himself of the cancer but developed a strong case of autism. He was unable to speak. “While he was in the hospital, we noticed he didn’t speak at all and had some behavior that wasn’t right, like hand flapping, and walking on his toes,” his father, Abiel Gomez Santiago, tells Yahoo Parenting from the family’s home in Aguada. “But we waited until he was 3 and cancer-free to look at his behavior.” They tried several ways to help Kalel handle the autism, including various schools and therapies, as well as personally studying autistic behavior. They found some success with a surf school near their home, but Abiel still didn’t speak. Then, shortly after, they discovered the value of hemp oil high in cannabidiol (CBD), a compound often found in large amounts in certain strains of hemp. This compound has been found to ease symptoms of autism and epilepsy, so they gave it a try. Within two days, Kalel was speaking again. He said his vowels in school and the teacher took a video to send to the parents. “You can’t imagine the emotion we had, hearing Kalel’s voice for the first time,
Source: Autistic boy learns to speak again after 2 days of cannabis oil treatment | Minds